I finished the last full chapter I had left to complete, and left it with 3 readers I trusted. After getting back their comments, I revised it and sent it to my advisor and another committee member for more feedback.
I'm now diving into the last of my data (community interviews) for analysis purposes--but it's not easy. You see, it's VBS week, and students from both of my classes have assignments due next week that they're asking questions about. This means I'm out about 8-12:30 every day for VBS, trying to get in some cuddle time with my little guy before his nap, answering questions for classes while he naps and then dealing with a number of meetings (doctoral paperwork how-tos, church council, OB-GYN) and evening obligations... Needless to say, I'm feeling a bit burnt out at the moment. I figured it was safer to write less this week than write and have to deal with all of the revisions that (for me) result in less than intelligible or articulate writing.
But at least the last full chapter is written and I'll get to editing it when I've had a bit more sleep and I'll finish the last analysis work when have a bit more time to really work and think on it.
When VBS ends tomorrow at noon? I'm hoping Tristan and I can both celebrate with a nice, long nap :D
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