Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Good Samaritan

KFW July 14, 2013
The Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37 (Spark bible p. 360-365)

Clever man:  I’m a smart man and know ALLL the rules.  I think I know them better than this Jesus person—I think I can trick him into giving a wrong answer.  Oh TEACHER!  What must I do to live forever with God?

Jesus:  What do the commandments say?

Clever man: The commandments say you should love God with everything you have.  And you should love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.

Jesus: that’s the right answer!  Live like this and you’ll live with God forever.

Clever man:  so, Jesus, who is my neighborhood.

Jesus:  Let me tell you a story.  A man was traveling down a scary and rocky road by himself.  All of a sudden, a group of men jumped out.  They stole his money and hurt him, and left him by the side of the road.  He moaned and groaned in pain.  He couldn’t get up. 

Priest: [walks by, humming.  Sees the man.]  OH! [moves to the other side of him and keeps walking]

Man/Woman: [walks by, humming.  Sees the man]  Oh umm I’m late.  I must get going [ runs/moves quickly by the man].

Samaritan:  [Walks by, sees the man].  OH!  [stops]I am so sorry you are hurt.  Here are some bandaids.  Let me wash your owies. Here, have something to eat.  Let’s go over to that hotel so you can get some rest and relax. 

Jesus: The man had to leave for a few days, and so he paid the hotel owner to help take care of the hurt man while he was gone.  He wanted the hurt man to get better.  So which of these three people was a neighbor to the man who was hurt?

Clever man:  The one who stopped to help him.

Jesus:  God wants us to help everyone.  People of every size, shape, and color and from every country are important to God.  Happy people, sad people, scary people, people who are easy to love and people who are not easy to love.  Now, go and be like the Samaritan and help everyone who needs help.

What are some ways you can help your neighbors this week?  Let’s start making our “love your neighbor jars” together!  [I have small mason jars for each family—I hope I have enough!]

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