Tuesday, October 1, 2013

For Oct 13: Curious George Meets the Gospel

Jesus and the 10 Lepers/Lessons on Thankfulness

This version is still pretty rough--and I'd love to hear your suggestions on how to make this better :D

Narrator:  Hi, George!  How are you?
George: Ah haha!
Narrator: That’s good!  Oh look! (points)

Someone in the audience (obviously a plant): I have this banana in my bag—would you like some?

George: uh huh uh huh! (nods, and immediately grabs it, ‘eats’ it, and asks for more)

Narrator:  Oh George—she/he was offering to just share the banana, and there was only 1.

George throws a tantrum (have fun with it :D)

Narrator:  George, let me tell you a story about being thankful for what you have…oh!  But I think you might get bored if I just tell you.  Kids!  I need your help acting this out for George—can you help me? Okay!  Let’s go!

(From Luke 17:11-19, adapted from the Message by EAH)

11-13  One day, Jesus was walking to Jerusalem.  Can you walk with me?  (lift your knees, swing your arms) walk, walk, walk.  As he came to a place between Samaria and Galilee, he came into a town where there where many people.  As he entered the village, 10 sick people met him.  Can you count 10 with me on your fingers?  (count to 10, lifting fingers one at a time).  They had sores all over their bodies because they had a disease called leprosy.

George:  OUCH!

Narrator:  Yes, George—OUCH!  They hurt very much! They didn’t want Jesus to get sick, though, so they called from far away—cup your hands around your mouth (demonstrate) and say it with me!, “Jesus, have mercy on us! Help us!”  (say in smaller sections so the kids can say it along with you)
, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”
Jesus told them:
 “Go, show yourselves to the priests.”
Narrator: They started walking towards the priests, but knew they couldn’t even go into the city—people with sores were not allowed to enter the city, and definitely not the temple! They walked slowly, heads down, sad.  Walk with me—walk, walk, walk. 

They looked down and saw—they were healed!  No sores!  Yay!  (have kids say “yay!” too—they usually do on their own :D)—*Have George cheer too!*

Narrator:  but when 9 of the 10 others kept walking (walk, walk, walk), one man turned around and RAN for Jesus.  He came back to Jesus and said “Thank you” (use sign language along with words—fingertips to mouth, and move down/away and forward).  Can you say and sign it with me?  Thank you! He was so happy, he kept saying thank you over and over again!

Jesus said, “weren’t there 10 of you? Where are the other nine? No one else is thankful, except the one? Get up. Go on your way. Your faith has healed and saved you.”

Narrator: See George? 10 men (raise 10 fingers) were given something by Jesus, but only 1 (lower 9 of the fingers) came back to said thank you—and Jesus told him how good it was to be thankful and say thank you.  Can we teach you to say “thank you”?  (teach George the sign with help from the kids). 
Narrator:  George, do you have something to say?
George: ah ah (signs thank you).

Narrator:  Kids, is there something you like as much as George likes Bananas?  What do you want to say “thank you” to Jesus for?

Follow by singing a song of the Day--I think I like this one I found, sung to the Tune of "5 Little Ducklings"

Ten little lepers got healed that day.
But only one leper came back to say.
"Thank you, Jesus, for making me well
Many people I will tell."

Jesus asked, "Where are the nine?
I healed ten bodies and made them fine."
But only one came back to me
Remember God gives to all graciously.

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