The 10 Plagues (Spark pp. 78-83)
Our story today is AGAIN about Moses and this time about what happened when he went to see Pharaoh and tell Pharaoh to free the Israelites. Pharaoh did NOT want to let them go—he liked having slaves, and telling people what to do. Then God went to work! Most of the miracles in the bible are one or two things—this time, God was very busy and it took a lot of work to convince Pharaoh to let people go. God, through Moses, sent TEN plagues—icky things that would not stop unless Pharaoh agreed to let the Israelites go. SO…I need your help today. Today we’re going to sing through the 10 plagues—amazing and icky things God sent to try to get Pharaoh to listen—
Sung to the tune of “This old Man,” Adapted from work by Rich Nelson, found:
First God sent,
Plague number one, Turned the Nile into blood. People in Egypt were feeling pretty low, Moses told Pharaoh "Let them Go!" Then God sent, Plague number two, Jumping frogs all over you. People in Egypt were feeling pretty low, Moses told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"
Then God sent,
Plague number three, Swarms of gnats from head to knee. People in Egypt were feeling pretty low, Moses told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"
Then God sent,
Plague number four, Filthy flies need we say more? People in Egypt were feeling pretty low, Moses told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"
Then God sent,
Plague number five, All the livestock up and died. People in Egypt were feeling pretty low, Moses told Pharaoh "Let them Go!"
Blood, Frogs, Gnats, Flies, Dead Cows, Boils & Sores,
Hail, Locusts/no food, Darkness, and Death! WOW! Look at
all it took for Pharaoh to recognize the power of God and Moses’ request!
Sometimes it takes a bit longer for someone to hear and see God’s work than it
does others! Would YOU have seen
God at work in the plagues? Where
have you seen God at work this week?
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