Monday, March 31, 2014

Jesus Dies

I haven't posted the last few stories, as we've considered trying to publish some of them.  But this one was/is a struggle.  Talking about death with kids is never easy and though this story has a happy ending in awhile, we have to talk about the sad, scary part of being the disciples in the midst of death.  It hit closer to home than I expected. I thought as we passed the 1-year anniversary of Jaime's death, it would get easier.  You know what?  It didn't.  The expectation coupled with the reality of not feeling better actually has made the past week tougher than the anniversary itself...and here I'm talking about the pain of a friend dying from the disciples' perspective, and I need your help, I think.  Am I missing `anything that should be said?  Do I need to say less about the pain or shorten the story?  

Jesus Dies (Drawn from Spark bible pp. 474-481)

Narrator:  Do you remember what was happening to Jesus last week?  Thats right!  We snuck up to listen to people talk with Peter while he said he didnt know Jesus—and Jesus had been taken away by the soldiers.  Were still disciples this week, and were listening to hear more about whats happening to Jesus!  It looks like hes in some sort of court room—and theres the judge!

Pilate:  Are you king of the Jews, Jesus?

Narrator:  What does that even mean?  The jews have no king—theyre not a country! I dont understand what they are asking him about!  And Jesus is saying nothing!

Pilate:  There are some people who dont like you very much, Jesus.  They want me to kill you, but I cant find any good reason to do it.  I dont want anything to do with this, and I dont want any trouble—Here, people!  Priests!  Take him.

Narrator: Well, it looks like the judge wont say Jesus should be killed, but hes not stopping them, either!  Theyre going to kill Jesus!  Im so shocked and sad.  Are you sad?  I dont want Jesus to die!  Look!  Theyre taking his robes and making him walk with a big heavy cross. They put a circle of thorns on his head—ouch!  That would really hurt!  Hes so tired and sad—I dont know if he can carry it all by himself.  Theyre making him walk down the street with that heavy cross.  Lets follow him. Oh! He fell down!  His knees are scraped, and his head is bruised. 

Wait—listen!  The soldiers just asked a man named Simon to carry the cross for Jesus! Its very heavy, but he is not complaining—he is helping Jesus to the hill. He made it.

But thats only the beginning.  Look!  (take out a red marker and start marking on each of the kids hands) Theyre putting nails into his hands, and one into his feet! They are hanging him on that cross, between thieves and murderers—what did Jesus do to end up dying between thieves and murderers?  I cant believe this!  Its so very horrible!

People are still angry—theyre shouting at Jesus that if hes such a powerful king, he should save himself.  I dont understand why he wont save himself! Theyre spitting on him—I cant believe how sad and horrible this is!

What an amazing thing!  The man next to him on a cross said to the others to stop spitting—that he knows Jesus is Gods son! He said that Jesus shouldnt be here, and asked Jesus to take him to heaven when they die.

Jesus: Today, we will be in heaven together
(turn off the lights)

Narrator:  Its so dark!  Theres a rain storm coming!  Im scared.  Listen—I think I hear Jesus:

Jesus:  God, please forgive them because they dont understand what they are doing.  (pause) God, the work you gave me to do here is finished. (loud, long, slow breath).

Narrator:  I—I think Jesus died.  Jesus forgave us for everything we had done, and he died.  I am so sad.  But I know the end of the story—do you?  Jesus doesnt stay dead because he was sent to save us, and God will raise him up and then take him to Heaven!  He died for our sins, but God raises him to new life!

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