Monday, April 21, 2014

Emmaus Road

Emmaus Road
Spark Bible 488-491

Now, not everyone found out about the Easter story right away.  Not everyone visited the tomb or were with the twelve disciples, but as the story spread and people wondered, Jesus had a way of telling people about the resurrection himself . 

Have you noticed how many of our stories involve walking—this one does too! Can you join me on a journey?  Let’s walk together with Cleopas and friends.  Cleopas believed in Jesus and when he heard about Jesus dying on a cross, he was very sad. 

Walk, walk, walk.  We’re sad with him.  So very, very sad.  We’re slowly walking down the road to a town called Emmaus.  Why did Jesus have to die?  Why?  I’m so very sad. 

We’re walking and someone has joined us, someone we don’t recognize.  Oh well, let’s keep walking.  The road is long, and talking to someone new will help us pass the time.

Stranger/Jesus: “What are you talking about?”

Cleopas:  “Are you the only person in town who hasn’t heard?  Don’t you know what just happened?”

Stranger shakes his head

Cleopas: “Jesus was a great teacher.  We thought he was the one God promised would save the world, but instead he died.  On a cross with criminals! We took Jesus down and put him in a tomb.”
Friend: “This morning, our friends went to the tomb, but Jesus’ body was gone!” 

Can you say that with us?  Jesus was GONE!

Cleopas: “They said there was an angel there instead! 

Friend: “The angel told our friends Jesus is alive, but…how..?”

Stranger/Jesus: “How many times do you need to hear this?  It was God’s plan for Jesus to die and be made alive again to save the world!”

Narrator:  Huh.  That’s a strange thing to say, don’t you think?  Well, we’re almost to Emmaus.

Cleopas:  We’re almost home. Come to dinner at my house and eat with us.

Narrator: During dinner, the stranger does something, well, strange

Jesus breaks the loaf of bread, blesses it and gives a piece to each person.

Cleopas: What?  JESUS!  Jesus!  It’s you! 

Say it with Cleopas—It’s Jesus!  Jesus is here!

Friend:  He’s gone—but we need to go tell everyone!  He’s alive!  Jesus is alive and we’ve seen him.  He IS God’s son here to save us!

 Narrator:  What are some "God sightings" you've had lately--where have you seen God at work in your life and around you?  Let's draw them and put them on our God sighting board! 

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