Monday, June 2, 2014


June 8, 2014—Pentecost: Happy Birthday, Church!

Today is a very, very special day in the church—we celebrate a miracle that we celebrate as our birthday!

Our story begins in Jerusalem (Map projected on the wall), and all of the disciples gather around.  Jesus has died, risen and celebrated with them, and gone on the heaven to be with his father.

BUT—he had promised his disciples that the holy spirit would come and be with them as they went to share the good news of Jesus and God with others.

One night, they were all gathered in Jerusalem, when suddenly a sound like a violent wind filled the WHOLE place they were staying (turn on fans?  OR have children blow like the wind, as loudly as they can).  They looked around and saw what looked like fire, separating and resting in small pieces on each of them, but they did not catch on fire!

Each was filled with the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak.

It sounded SO strange to their ears!  They spoke in words they did not understand.

Hearing and seeing this commotion from afar, the people staying in Jerusalem came to see what was happening. The people in Jerusalem that day were there to trade and to visit, and spoke many, many languages, but here!  They hear their own languages being spoken by the disciples and are amazed!
“Aren’t these men all from Galilee?  And yet I hear MY language!” (point back to the map and the different countries and languages)
“And they’re talking about how amazing their God is! How can this be?”
“ How can they speak MY language? “
“I think they may be crazy!”

But PETER stands up and says in a loud voice,
“Friends from Jerusalem and Friends visiting Jerusalem,
These men are not crazy or drunk—it’s early in the morning!  They speak as it was predicted many, many, many years ago—, and they tell the signs and wonders before God will come again.  Everyone who calls on God will be saved.  Friends, listen to this, God has made Jesus, who you crucified, Lord and Messiah,”

The people were amazed!  They asked Peter what they should do! Say it with me—WHAT SHOULD WE DO?

Peter:  “Repent and be baptized, in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins. You, too, will then receive the Holy Spirit. This promise is for you and your children, both here and far off.”

And 3,000 people accepted God and Jesus as the son of God that day, and promised to meet together, break bread together, sell property and give to those in need, and they kept praising God—and THAT was the start of the church and the spreading of the message that Jesus offered forgiveness of sins, if we would believe in him.

Let's sing happy birthday to the church together!

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