Monday, July 14, 2014

Jesus Heals a Blind Man (spark pp. 338-341)

Jesus Heals a Blind Man
Spark pp. 338-341

What do you think its like to be blind?  How would the world be different for you if you were blind?  (If no kid answers, ask Pastor Linda to talk about what it was like for her mom to slowly become blind). 

Last week we talked about Jesus first miracle of turning water into wine.  Today, Jesus turns from working miracles with things to working miracles in people!

Our story begins with Jesus and his disciples in Jericho.  People KNEW by now about this man, Jesus, and some of the amazing things people were saying he could do.  A HUGE crowd had gathered along the road to see and hear Jesus.

Under a big tree at the side of the road was a blind beggar named Bartimaeus. As he sat there, alone, he heard the people walk, walk, walking by and talking and whispering excitedly about Jesus. He was curious—could he get Jesus to help him?

WAIT—he heard Jesus.  He HEARD him in the crowd and coming down the road.  He knew what to do.  He wanted Jesus to heal his eyes so he could see again.  In a VERY LOUD VOICE that everyone could hear he shouted,

Bartimaeus:Jesus, please help me!

Some people who were walking with Jesus were getting upset—Bartimaeus was interrupting them and Jesus, and yelled back   SHHHH!”“BE QUIET! and STOP BOTHERING JESUS!

But Bartimaeus didnt WANT to be quiet.  He knew Jesus could help him so he shouted even louder.  Can you shout with him?  Say Jesus, please help me!

Suddenly, Jesus stopped.  The people around Jesus grew so quiet that they could hear a bird singing in the tree—and a frog croaking nearby.  Jesus quietly, gently told one of his friends
Jesus: Tell the blind man to come to me.

The crowd called to Bartimaeus.  Come!  Get up!  Jesus wants to talk to you!

Bartimaeus was excited.  SO EXCITED!  He put on his old, dusty coat, jumped up, and moved in the direction of Jesus voice.

Jesus: What do you want me to do for you? Bartimaeus bravely spoke up, in faith and said:

Bartimaeus: Please help me to see again
Jesus didnt even have to touch the man.  In a firm voice, Jesus said:
Jesus:  Go, Bartimaeus!  Because you believe in me, your eyes are healed.

And right then?  Bartimaeus SAW.  He saw Jesus.  He saw the people.  He saw the bird in the tree and the frog on the ground.  He SAW.  He was so happy, he joined the crowd and followed Jesus!

What did we learn?  Jesus healed people.  Maybe Jesus doesnt need to heal our eyes of blindness, but Jesus does want to hear about our hurts, and will walk with us.  Are there any God sightings youve had this week?  Times God has been with you or heard your prayers?

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